Are you constantly filling out forms for the social workers and case managers? If you want to bring up a student for support, you need to have the proper documentation to get the ball rolling. I made this simple form that I use to document everything that goes on in my class. This includes behavior issues, parent interactions, and anything else that I think I should have a record of.
When it comes time to meet with a parent or administrator, I can just sort the spreadsheet by that child’s name and see all my notes and documentation are in one spot. It has been super helpful so far!

How to document
Bookmark your form for easy access so you can document what you see as soon as possible. Make sure all of your notes are factual. Leave out any judgements or opinions. The notes above are all related to one student who qualified, but refused special education services. The mother had stated that teachers were not providing enough support, and the school was afraid she would take legal action. You can see in my documentation notes that they are purely factual.
- Jan 10: Student did not come for regular Tuesday morning appointment.
- Jan 16: Did not come for help this morning.
- Jan 23: Verbally confirmed with student that she was coming in for extra help this morning at 7:30. She did not show up.
- Feb 13: Came in for help today at 7:30.
Documented notes like these have helped me deal with difficult parents on more than one occasion. In this instance, the mom had been dropping off her daughter early every day to see a different teacher, but the student had been going off with her friends instead. Once I was able to show the parent this documentation, we were able to talk to the student and figure out a better way to help her.
Another time, I wrote up a student for bullying. The stunned father wanted specific examples with dates and times of what his son had done to receive such harsh treatment. I had it. =)
Hi there!
Thank you for this idea! As a floater that splits her time between Spanish in 4 different trailers and Special Ed Science on two different floors and 3 rooms, this is awesome!
… But when I click on the link I get a message that the file does not exist… Do you have a new form and link?
Thanks again!
Hi Elisa,
Glad you like the idea! I just updated the link. Give it a try now! Thanks for letting me know it wasn’t working.