Today we had a blast reviewing body parts in Spanish! In groups, students outlined one member and labeled each body part. Then, they completed an interpretive reading exercise where each group had to read different description of a monster and draw it. The best part about this activity was that we did it OUTSIDE! I bought sidewalk chalk at the dollar store and it was a big hit!
*UPDATE: This could be a really awesome activity during distance learning as well! It would help kids do something other than looking at their screens all day!

- Go over the directions with kids in the classroom first!
2. I printed a set of rules for each group and put it in a plastic sheet so it wouldn’t get messy outside. I also put their monster description on the back.

3. Distribute the chalk in Ziploc bags to make clean up easier. Let students know they must return the bags so they won’t destroy them.
4. Warn kids about not drawing anything extra or inappropriate. I made the groups so they wouldn’t be tempted to make goofy drawings with friends.
5. If you’re doing this activity in the winter, use butcher paper, but I think the element of doing it outside was really extra special.
6. During distance learning, this could be an awesome way for kids to get outside if they have their own chalk. It could be so fun to involve a family member and students could teach their family member the vocabulary as they label it. Then they could send you a picture or video of their work!

This year I have a class of 15 native speakers and 14 anglo students during the same period. Most of the time I have them working separately because the curriculum is different. However, for this activity, I made mixed groups! The native speakers were responsible for drawing in and labeling the organs of the body in Spanish. It worked out great!