I have been pre-teaching with Quizlet for some time, but I can’t say enough good things about it! Here is yet another use for the amazing tool!
We recently finished reading Pobre Ana and Patricia va a California in my Spanish A and B classes. We were really crunched for time this year, and in order to finish the novels, I had to cut something. My colleagues and I decided to assign vocabulary as homework to gain more in-class time for reading and discussion. We created Quizlets for each chapter. Before reading each day, we would play Quizlet Live (See this post for more details!) to incentivize students to actually study the night before. It made reading a million times smoother! Students actually retained the words better than through regular vocabulary instruction and PQA. The great thing about Quizlet is that you can do the flashcards with sound. Here is how I ask my students to use it:
1. Go through the flashcards or list 1-2 times with the sound on so you can hear the pronunciation.

2. Use one of the active study tools in Quizlet for as long as you need to feel comfortable with the words. This will differ per person.

I can’t say enough good things about this product and highly recommend that all teachers try it!